Content Notice: This lesson contains images of animals in poor conditions that some viewers may find distressing. Viewer discretion is advised.
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Poultry farming is a significant part of the global agricultural industry, focusing on the production of meat and eggs from chickens and turkeys. However, the conditions in which these birds are kept often raise serious animal welfare concerns. This article details the life cycle of broiler chickens and egg-laying hens, covering issues such as debeaking, overcrowding, and the short lifespan of these animals. We will provide examples from the United States, Thailand, and the United Kingdom to illustrate these issues.
Conditions in Poultry Farms
Overcrowding: One of the most pressing issues in poultry farming is the extreme overcrowding of birds. In the United States, for example, about 64% of the over 309 million egg-laying hens are confined to barren battery cages. These cages are so small that the birds cannot perform natural behaviors such as stretching their wings, nesting, or dust bathing. This overcrowding leads to high levels of stress and injury among the birds.
Debeaking: To prevent aggressive behaviors caused by overcrowding, poultry farmers often resort to debeaking, a process where the tips of the birds’ beaks are removed. This procedure is painful and can lead to long-term issues with eating and drinking. In Thailand, debeaking is a common practice in both broiler and egg-laying hen farms.
Short Lifespan: The life cycle of broiler chickens is incredibly short due to selective breeding for rapid growth. These chickens are typically slaughtered at just 6-7 weeks old. In the United Kingdom, broiler chickens are bred to grow so quickly that their legs often cannot support their body weight, leading to severe mobility issues.
Case Studies
United States:
- Egg-Laying Hens: The majority of egg-laying hens are kept in battery cages, which severely restrict their movement and natural behaviors. These conditions lead to high levels of stress and physical ailments.
- Broiler Chickens: Broiler chickens are bred for rapid growth, resulting in a short lifespan and numerous health issues, including heart and skeletal problems.
- Debeaking: The practice of debeaking is widespread in Thailand, affecting both broiler chickens and egg-laying hens. This procedure is used to prevent cannibalism and aggressive behaviors in overcrowded conditions.
- Overcrowding: Poultry farms in Thailand often house thousands of birds in confined spaces, leading to high stress levels and increased susceptibility to disease.
United Kingdom:
- Broiler Chickens: In the UK, broiler chickens are bred to grow at an unnaturally fast rate, leading to severe health issues. These chickens often suffer from leg deformities and heart problems due to their rapid growth.
- Egg-Laying Hens: While there have been improvements in welfare standards, many egg-laying hens are still kept in conditions that do not allow for natural behaviors, leading to stress and health problems.
Visual Content

Poultry farming involves significant animal welfare issues, including overcrowding, debeaking, and the short lifespan of broiler chickens. Case studies from the United States, Thailand, and the United Kingdom highlight the global nature of these issues. By understanding these problems and taking action, consumers can contribute to improving the welfare of poultry.
Lesson 4: The Meat Industry: From Slaughterhouses to Supermarkets >>
<< Lesson 2: The Dairy Industry: Hidden Cruelties
All Courses
- Poultry - Animal Welfare Institute
- The science behind farm animal welfare - The Humane Society of the United States
- Animal Cruelty In Factory Farm Statistics - Dreadful Numbers